SambaSports today gathered more than 140 community members at Mwabungo, Kiuzini, in a community dialogue around values and ethics.
As part of the Values Based Education project, the objective of the community dialogue was to bring people together, and discuss traditional practices that are now forgotten, yet they used to glue community together in love, inclusion, tolerance and teamwork.
The activity was organized in such a way that local community members would identify a certain ritual, and present it to the community, then explain it’s significance in instilling love amongst community members, reinforcing togetherness or tolerance.
The groups that presented traditional practices included Kayamba, Moro and poetry, while Matuga Arts Troupe presented two Edutainment skits on Diversity and tolerance.
The climax of the dialogue was when Community members contributed passionately on the past practices that cemented a strong bonding in their community, and lamented emotionally that the Community began suffering values erosion and endless social problems from the time all culture and tradition was thrown away by the blind embrace of Western way of life.
The VBE Project is funded by #Poticus, and implemented by various partners under the leadership of the #Aga_Khan_Foundation.